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Learn & Ask at Your Own StudyCoachPoint

All students/Parents can ask for guidelines related to student's carrier and subject related. For Example:- Any Exam based sample Question,SOF competition,Olympiads competion,other school level National & International Exam,All subjects 10th board exam based sample question, all subjects (Isc/IA/I.Com)12th exam based sample Question,All subjects related Questions from class-1 to class-12. Apart from this Coach point will provide you many projects in easy way regarding all subjects class-1 to class-12 whatever summer/winter project & coach will provide you guidelines. As per your child/kids need our studyCoachpoint will provide coach or Tuter(Related to subject or extra curriculum activity).

charges only rs 99 -/ per month
Step:1 click  registration form students Id will generate Step:2 Click onStudent Login Step:3 After Student Login he/she has to pay only 99-/ Rs per month.
(30 days time will be allotted to him or her for 0nly 99-/Rs)

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Why Choose StudyCoachPoint

Our Mission

StudyCoachPoint has a mission to give Question's solution to every students


all subjects. as well make their carrier easy according to their strength & ability at very low cost.

Our Vision

StudyCoachPoint has a vision to spread our services to all students at very low cost.

StudyCoachPoint is open for all students to join it.

StudyCoachPoint Services

Class-1 to Class-12 Students

Enhance your skIlls wIth best OnlIne solution

Carrier Solution
Project based solution
Solution/Answers of Questions regarding all subjects.

The greatest choice of subjects